Halloween Safety Tips from the Statesville Fire Department

Halloween is just around the corner, and we want to ensure that your little monsters have a safe and spooktacular time while trick-or-treating. To help you keep the festivities fun and worry-free, the Statesville Fire Department has put together some essential Halloween Safety Tips:

👹 Costume Caution: When selecting costumes, avoid long trailing fabric that can pose tripping hazards. If your child wears a mask, ensure that the eye holes are large enough for clear vision.

🔦 Light Up the Night: Equip your children with flashlights or incorporate glow sticks into their costumes. Improved visibility will keep them safe on the streets and sidewalks, especially after dark.

🎃 Fire-Safe Decorations: Halloween decorations can add to the spooky ambiance, but some materials, like dried flowers, cornstalks, and crepe paper, can catch fire easily. Keep all decorations away from open flames, light bulbs, and heaters.

🕯️ Jack-o'-Lantern Precautions: Use battery-operated candles or glow sticks to light up your jack-o'-lanterns. If you choose real candles, exercise extreme caution and ensure children are supervised at all times. Use long matches or a utility lighter to light candles inside pumpkins, and place them well away from anything flammable.

⚠️ Clear Exits: Ensure that exits in your home are free from decorations to prevent anything from blocking escape routes in case of an emergency.

🚨 Smoke Alarms: Before the Halloween festivities begin, test all smoke alarms in your home to make sure they are functioning correctly. Smoke alarms can be lifesavers in the event of a fire.

🔥 Fire Safety Education: Teach your children to stay away from open flames, including candles inside jack-o'-lanterns. In case their clothing catches fire, instruct them on the "stop, drop, and roll" technique, and encourage them to practice it.

📝 Emergency Plans: If your children will be attending Halloween parties at friends' homes, have them familiarize themselves with the house layout and plan how to exit the home quickly in case of an emergency.

Your child's safety is our top priority, and by following these Halloween safety tips, you can ensure that they have a fantastic and safe Halloween experience. We wish you and your family a spooky, but secure, Halloween!

Read more safety tips from the Statesville Fire Department hereStay safe and have a Happy Halloween!

Originally posted by City of Statesville via Locable